RA Coaxial Cable

RA7000 has been developed as a higher performance version of BT2003 but with a smaller overall diameter. RA8000 is a high performance alternative to BT3002 with a much smaller overall diameter. Multicore versions are also available.

  • RA7000 is a higher performance version of BT2003
  • RA8000 is a high performance alternative to BT3002
  • Multicore versions are also available
SKU: SKU060 Categories: ,

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AFS: Aluminium Foil Screen TFE: TetraFluoroEthylene FPE: Foamed Polyethylene
PEAS: Polyethylene Air Spaced LDPE: Low Density Polyethylene PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride
PTFE: PolyTetraFluoroEthylene PEC: Polyethylene Cellular PESS: Polyethylene Semi Solid
GFB: Glass Fibre Braid TCWB: Tinned Copper Wire Braid SPCWB: Silver Plated Copper Wire Braid
PCWB: Plain Copper Wire Braid AFS: Aluminium Foil Screen